STAY ORGANIZEDThere are a lot of elements to track: Which schools you are applying to, when their individual deadlines are, what set of audition requirements that school is using, what the dates of those auditions are and where... the list goes on! We will put together a spreadsheet tailored to you and the schools you're applying for.
BE PREPAREDEvery school has a different set of audition requirements: one or two monologues - classical or contemporary, one or two songs - and how those two need to contrast each other. Some times you need to prepare more than 2 pieces to meet all the requirements for the many schools you will be applying to. I will help you choose the best material to market YOU and coach every piece to a "T"! You will receive all the things you would learn in my studio and more, perfecting your audition to every last detail.
REPRESENT YOURSELF WELLWe will record all your material in my home studio. I have a choice of filming screens to choose the best color to compliment you. I'll help you choose what to wear, how to do your hair, etc. I'll help you with techniques that will help you bring an energy they will look for in these recordings that will show your personality, help with your slate and coach you while we record until you are happy with your pieces.